Dear sister-in-law,
Let me be short and sweet: What a terrific article about “Ghost Universes” you found – I have got to write a novel about it!
No, don’t laugh. This time I am going to finish. I’ve already got so many ideas swirling in my head that absolutely need to get out.
Carrie, our love for science fiction, fantasy, and superheroes is not the only thing that we share. We always both wanted to do something creative, to live from it, instead of the grind. It is who we are!
You don’t need to tell me how badly you want to make money and not have to look for work every day. If you had a passive income via book royalties, you would have time to take care of Michael even better. And all the other things.
As for me, well, it’s a nice enough place I work at now, and I may be going overseas again next year (don’t tell my brother – yet). But … I can’t keep repairing cars all my life. I just can’t.
Now, before you object, nobody is more aware than I that it didn’t work out with my project about the new dimension travelers. But that was more of a whim. I couldn’t do it better than your old friend, anyway.
And true enough, It didn’t work out with Hammer & Magic, either, although I still have it in the drawer. But I do believe Tsarpunk combined with high fantasy is a niche genre that could become seriously popular. And I just love the idea of a sorceress battling Stalin, who himself turns out to be a wizard worse than Rasputin.
But ghost universes … this is going to be it. I can feel it. There’s so much story here.
I already knocked down a synopsis the other night. It is attached. Please read it and tell me what you think.
I’d love to have you illustrate it. Then you could use your drawing. Finally. You could be who you really are. And so could I.
Know how swamped you are, but if you could just do 10-12 drawings in a year for the book.
You will get half of whatever I make from it. It could make a real difference. For both of us.
I’d love SO much to have you with me on this journey.
Dear David,
Michael has been awake most of the night, so I don’t have time to read anything before later this week.
And the week is going to be pretty full. Tuesday there’s a meeting at Michael’s school with all the therapists, teachers, etc. Wednesday the therapist for Michael’s feeding disorder. Thursday about Emma’s new school. Friday we try out a new nanny, to see if she’s got the ‘magic touch’ for autism 🙂
And then, of course, 117 job applications for stuff I don’t have the time or skill for. But Jon is not getting a raise anytime soon, so …
Glad you liked the article. I thought it would really be something for you.
I promise I will have a look at the synopsis, but don’t get your hopes up too high about what I can draw anymore. I’m also woefully out-of-training.
So I haven’t said no yet, mind you, but for now I’ll have to leave you with a rain check.
Thanks for helping me remember the dreams.
DAVE & CARRIE, May 2016
End of “Ghost Hearts” – part VII
Cover photo by Taylor Harding on Unsplash
Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts, comments or experiences!
5 responses to “Like A Memory”
I don’t have time to comment on this, and I guess that says it all, doesn’t it? Maybe later.
But it’s what Monday feels like, that’s for sure. And a lot of memory.
Get some art done out there, you who live for such things. Get it done, while you can.
I think this is a wonderful expression of the things we dream of completing but the grind of reality eats up our time and sometimes, our dream. Or we just keep dreaming and doing normal and someday, you wake up and somehow your dream came along for the ride and found it’s own reality. I sort of added the last part because I’m old and I have hope for your fulfillment in life. Great drawing by the way. Have a happy day.
I still try to get a little drawing done, myself. But it’s not much I’m able to, tbh. It’s odd because writing about that loss (via Carrie and Dave) made me feel that somehow I could get more into it, despite my constraints. I guess one art can fuel another. At least I hope so 🙂
A very good day to you, too.
P.S: Those are very old drawings of mine but although Carrie probably has a different style I don’t want to make sh*t up in AI or something like that. So for now, I imagine that it was more or less the same as mine. ;-p
Everything feeds art lol it’s the time thing that’s hard. When I’m painting or writing time melts. Painting takes more out of me. Writing is easier and quicker. But artists put art into everything they do. it’s just how we’re made.
Amen! 🙂