The World’s Biggest Story?

  • L A

    L A

    A story about two 9-year-olds discussing their future and how to believe in it.


  • Conquest of Paradise

    Conquest of Paradise

    A story about how one man overcame his mental diagnoses, and the price he paid.


  • Don’t Liberate Me, I’ll Liberate Myself

    Don’t Liberate Me, I’ll Liberate Myself

    A story about a grandmother and her need to help her autistic grandchild. No matter how.


  • Carry On

    Carry On

    A story about how special needs parents sometimes try to escape their situation, and where they end up.


  • Can’t Go Over It, Can’t Go Under It

    Can’t Go Over It, Can’t Go Under It

    How do you feel when you have to prevent your autistic child from getting too close to other children?


  • One Step Closer

    One Step Closer

    Can 100,000 dollars cure life for a special needs mom? Find out in this new story – and get a free ebook, too!


  • The Roar

    The Roar

    A story about how it may feel to have a panic attack as a non-verbal child. And how it feels for the family.


  • Right Choices

    Right Choices

    A story about how being a special needs parent messes up our friendships in ways we don’t even see coming.


  • The Stormlamp

    The Stormlamp

    A story about the war waged every evening in households with special kids. And about what you do to hold out.


  • Seat of the Soul

    Seat of the Soul

    A story about how mean other kids can be to siblings of autistic children. And how to fight back.


  • Reach


    A story about the hope and despair that go hand in hand with the extraordinary abilities of autistic children.


  • Never-Ending Story

    Never-Ending Story

    A story about the sometimes beauty of autistic kids’ preoccupations


You can also read a smaller selection of longer storier taking place in decades from the 1960s to the 2060s! Click here!


  1. Those characters are the ones I attach too so much at times . I think we find ourselves really identifying…

  2. Wow. I will have to take that in. Thank you so much. I appreciate any one and all my friends…

  3. There are people and there are people. As I drive to work it seems there are a zillion of them…

  4. Bipolarity is not for children, no. But unfortunately kids, and adults, can have it and then have to lean into…

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