SHADE OF the Morning Sun: STORIES – main characters:

Carrie Sawyer Reese – (born: Caroline McDonnell) – recovering addict, searching artist, special-needs-mom in training, and Scottish exile in the U.S. of A.

Jonathan Reese – Carrie’s no-nonsense husband, state trooper and Iraq veteran, fighting to keep his family together and his PTSD in check

Emma Reese – Carrie and Jon’s ten-year-old daughter, dreams of a better future, self-appointed protector of her autistic little brother

Michael Reese – Carrie and Jon’s seven-year-old neurodivergent son, can’t talk much but often calls attention to parts of the world that nobody else notices

Deborah Sawyer Chen – Carrie’s ex-hippie rebel mother, New Age faith shopaholic and opinionated power-grandma

Marcus Chen Nianzhen – Carrie’s stepfather and Deborah’s second husband. Also millionaire IT businessman and founder of the Church Universal. The man who has everything, except peace of mind …

David Reese – Jon’s little brother, ex-car thief, chronically broken hearted, risking his life in the Sahel with the NGO World Life Health

Samuel Reese – Jon and Dave’s erratic father, self-avowed socialist, and fixer of your life

Calum McDonnell – Carrie’s father and Deborah’s first husband, Falklands veteran and ex-Highland Ranger, coming to grips with age and loneliness in far-away Scotland
Thanks to the fantastic photographers at Unsplash and their models. See a collection of all Unsplash photos used on this blog here.
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