JON, January 2016
Another day with no news of my brother.
Is he dead or alive? No one knows.
You know, having a job you have to take care of is both the best and the worst thing.
I don’t sit at home looking at my phone, waiting for a message about how things are over there. I can let my mind go blank. Just focus on work.
But that’s also the worst. I don’t want to forget him. I don’t want to have to go to work and do anything else than trying to find him.
However, that’s the real problem, isn’t it?
Sometimes shit happen to people you love, like when they work half a world away, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it but wait.
For news. Any news.
And then you have to have something to do in order not to go crazy.
So I’m glad I have my job. So far.
But I don’t know for how long I can do it, without being too distracted. When will I reach the turning point when my job becomes a liability? And I become a liability?
And I have to call in sick.
Which I can’t, because I don’t have an awful lot of coverage for that, and my wife doesn’t have a job and we have two kids, one of them with a diagnosis.
Is there some kind of job you can have in a family crisis that is guaranteed never to make the crisis worse?
I’d pay good money for that.
Companion story

Jon works hard to prevent a young man from juvenile detention, but begins to doubt his own motives.
Also, flashback to a dark secret in the lives of the Reese-brothers.
Cover photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash
Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts, comments or experiences!
3 responses to “Guarantees”
The soundtrack for this one is probably “Brothers in Arms” from Dire Straits once again, but I am open to suggestions.
Hope the first few weeks of 2024 have been good to you!
There’s also a background-story about a pivotal event in the two brother’s relationship. Feel fee to leave a comment if you want a link to that!
I honestly fell off the precipice early this week. I had to regroup. I hear you loud and clear. I hope you are safe. I am now.
I’m alright but I have been somewhat out of the loop myself. And I could’ve been more around, too. But I plan to be more around in the coming week(s). I’m glad you are, as well. Take care!