Jon was watching for a sign in his autistic son’s writings.
It was not the same thing as his wife did, mind you, because Jon didn’t believe in anything supernatural (although Carrie would never admit she did, either)—only in adapting and overcoming, like he had tried in Iraq.
Truth was, if you never gave up and kept looking for patterns in events, there was a good chance you could figure out how to change things, and there sure were a lot of patterns tonight. Or, at least fifty different words and sentences, in various colors:
On the windows on the doors to the darkening garden …
on the back of the kitchen door …
on each door in the hallway …
on the cupboard in his son’s room – on both sides of its doors …
… and in many other places …
Big letters that formed words and sometimes sentences.
And numbers. Lots of numbers.
Sometimes the the letters were ALL CAPS, other times lower-case.
Sometimes Michael wrote everything in fat, balloon-ish fonts.
Sometimes everything was thin like a passing thought.
It was all over.
And here, sitting on the carpet in the living room, humming contentedly, was six-year-old Michael Reese, putting the final touches on a sentence on the kitchen door:
We have to push 4 days more
Jon squatted down beside him, “What’s that son? Something they told you in kindergarten before the summer-holidays?”
“Not!” Michael said, with a tinge of annoyance.
“Not what they said, or did you hear me saying ‘not’?”
Michael had developed a tiresome habit of repeating “not” whenever his parents forbade him something, or used any other sentence in the English language which contained that word. And you know, a lot of sentences did just that.
Jon concluded Michael probably had tried answering him. But that was about the extent of his conversational abilities.
So Jon’s heart sank when he surveyed the graffiti in the rest of the house.
That firm secure handwriting, which might be that of a normal child in, say, 3rd grade or so …
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And many more …
Why could Michael write all of this and not tell his father how his day had been kindergarten?
Jon didn’t need a speech or anything, just a simple yes or about whether or not his son had had a good day?
Or something … anything.
But Michael couldn’t.
What he could do, and what he had done all evening was right there on any surface in the house that could be easily washed, as long as he used the boardmarker.
Carrie would probably not approve …
… But Carrie wasn’t here.
In fact, Carrie and their daughter were in L.A. and not home until the late flight tomorrow. And the only nanny they could afford to pay and who could handle Michael had gone to some kind of festival with her boyfriend this weekend.
But Jon had accepted his fate, even if he knew he was going to get up at 5 AM Monday and be on the road for the rest of the week. The charmed life of a trooper, yessir.
But he could handle speed demons and even the occasional stray border crosser, although the latter wasn’t the favorite part of his work, sending people back to a shitty life in Mexico or elsewhere.
His wife, however, had reached a breaking point, after taking care at home of Michael for god knows how long. She needed a time out—and she needed to try out another silver bullet to improve her life, despite her severe misgivings.
It sounded too good to be true in many ways.
And yet, there it was:
Carrie’s got-money-like-grass stepfather wanted to give her a 100K to cure her chronic unemployment and unhappiness, or so Carrie’s mother had said.
The tiny price was for Carrie to be a poster-girl for the official donation programme which was run by her stepfather’s self-made ‘Church Universal’ .
‘Look, we can make even a heretic successful, if only she follows our very scientific law-of-attraction meditation program!’
Carrie didn’t like the angle, but how many recovered drug addicts got second chances like that?!
She also didn’t like her stepfather–and he didn’t particularly like her–and throughout the years her mother had tried to repair that situation with all her might. This was her latest attempt.
Unfortunately, reality insisted on being complicated.
And so Jon had received frantic texts just an hour ago that outlined how the battle had gone down this time:

Jon was unsure who had won this particular fight, because Carrie was rambling. Perhaps nobody had won. That would be business as usual.
But after some texting back and forth (while Michael tried to get him to write different words), Jon thought he had a pretty good picture of why Carrie’s latest attempt to escape her own life had failed.
Apparently, her mother had talked her new husband into giving Carrie those extra money—those 100K pocket money.
Old Marcus Chen, however, had turned out to be anything but a tele-evangelist salesman, at least when it came to his new family.
As far as Jon could make out, Marcus had been reluctant but then agreed because he wanted to please Carrie’s mother, but then he had regretted it and wanted Carrie to voluntarily join his ‘angel investment program for people’ as it was also known .
And the only thing Marcus could think of had been to treat Carrie like any other applicant, not a favorite, and that had made Carrie mad as hell.
Yeah, she blew a fuse about that ….
… even though she had spent an entire evening before take-off lecturing Jon about all the ways in which Church Universal abused people and then ripped them off.
“It’s not easy to understand women, eh, little fella?” He ruffled Michael’s hair, and took the board marker Michael handed him.
“Not!” Michael said. But he was smiling.
The smile could almost make Jon forget all other things.
Like that messy family he had married into. Not that Marcus had been there to begin with, but things hadn’t exactly gotten easier after he arrived.
And it wasn’t as if Carrie’s mother—and her real father—had been easy to get along with when he had first met them … although he—the Jonathan Reese who had once been one of the meanest motherfuckers on the streets of San Pedro—sure hadn’t a lot to write home about when it came to nice, stable families.
In fact, if there was one positive thing about autism and how much its children demanded, it was that you barely had time for your own petty little affairs. Including the ones that seemed impossible to ever live with.
Jon closed his eyes briefly. He didn’t want to. But it was like … an automatic reaction, when the thoughts came.

It had been some months since the memory had been so persistent.
But now all evening, whenever he had closed his eyes …
… here was the Fedayeen guy again, waving his AK-47 at him, his wife at his side, screaming.
And Jon and the interpreter, in the doorway, M16s at the ready.
Both screaming, too.
A nightmarish chorus in that little house on Qatar Al-Nada.
“Bed?” Michael yawned.
“You want to go to bed?” Jon sighed. “That’s great, I’m dead tired myself.”
“Couch on back,” Michael replied. And Jon knew what to do.
When they were alone at home, they moved a mattress into the living room and Michael slept there. Jon slept on the couch. The perfect ritual, at least to Michael’s mind.
The screaming Iraqi woman seemed far away. Good.
In fact, she rarely screamed anymore. He just had to get tonight over with.
Then … work.
Work could be a showdown, too, though.
It could have been someone on the highway, but Jon wasn’t sure. Here at home there were rules. Back then … who had made the rules? Who had decided if the fighting was to keep going or stop?
The problem was that there had been no manual for that, so each time there was a confrontation, it was up to him or the people he shot at – to make that call.
Was it a good time to die, to fight on, or surrender?
There was no manual. Jon wished there had been.
Who decided when it stopped? When everyone was dead?
It was easier on the highway today. There were laws. And sometimes … hell, no, it wasn’t that easy. As he got older, he realized more than ever that nothing in life ever would be. There would always be new chaos, just waiting to attack.
The more frequent fights with Carrie.
Michael waking up and screaming more and more nights, for no reason.
Emma getting bullied at school.
His best friend’s kid being busted for drugs.
The powers they were dependent on not understanding a damn thing about their son’s needs.
Jon’s own old man mailing political propaganda spam ten times each week? Compared to him Carrie’s stepfather (and her alcoholic real father) seemed like UN peace-makers.
And then work—always work.
And a broken pipe.
And his sore back.
And all of his life rapidly feeling more and more like a never-ending ambush. And—
“Whale!” Michael shouted.
He was knocking at the bathroom door.
That was the final cue. Jon could leave that night in Baghdad and concentrate on the night here and now in Yuma, Arizona.
Focus on an all-important toy whale that had to come out of its place in the shower and ‘hunt’ Michael until he was ready to get his bath-before-bedtime.
Yes, autism had its perks, because this was a sure thing every night. Just like Michael’s ritual writings, and ritual everything. Dead-on predictability.
Nothing unexpected, except maybe if he would close at 239 or 240 today?
And Jon began to think that perhaps that was the sign, he had been looking for.
Cover photo by Mitchell Griest on Unsplash
Man with scarf – photo by Ali Tareq on Unsplash
Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts, comments or experiences!
3 responses to “Home Front”
I don’t sleep well at night. Either our son is awake, or I am thinking about when he will wake up. Or the gazillion other problems that come with being a special-needs-family.
Of course, some days are better than others (and some nights), but usually it is about learning the right management techniques. What can I do, say, and think that will get everybody better through those problems we face every day – my son’s feeding disorder, his autism, school, mountains of laundry, begging for money from family and the municipal departments tasked with helping families such as ours, and so on.
As with most autistic kids, J has a love for numbers – lots of numbers, all of the time. And sometimes it can be exasperating that that is what he is so focused on.
At other times it is a good help, for example, when we go to the doctor for a flu shot and I can hold him (fairly) still while he is focused on, say, a count-down.
But lately I have discovered that when I wake up at night and is anxious, it actually helps counting. I guess there’s a reason for that old advice if you have trouble sleeping. It really does help!
What a simple, yet powerful, discovery. And now I do it pretty much every night when I am awake, in order to fall asleep quicker again.
And I learned from the best.
In this story we are once again home in Yuma. Jon is taking care of Michael while Carrie is away. He is an Iraq vet and I have some stories about that coming up in the future, but I figured that aside from all the crap he has to deal with in daily life, then PTSD was probably there, too. You never really get a free pass from other problems, just because you have a challenging family situation.
I had half a mind to do a story that somehow focused more on the problem of what you do when you are at war and both sides are ready to shoot, and there seems to be no way to find common ground (and peace). That feels … relevant. But as I wrote it felt like it was okay just to do a little flashback that told us some more about Jon’s background, but otherwise just let the focus be on his home front – and another day of little big problems taking care of Michael.
I hope it works and I hope it can stand alone, as a story, which is my mission, as usual.
The soundtrack for this one is either Depeche Mode’s “Waiting for the Night” or “Enjoy the Silence”. They both felt right. Do you have any ideas? Drop me a comment below.
And what about your peace of mind? What do you do to maintain it? Have you learned some tricks from unexpected sources – perhaps even ‘special children’?
Hi Chris:
a Canadian gentleman who writes the blog MY LIFE WITH T has really ratcheted up the ENJOY THE SILENCE.
[yes, the post is under that title and it was written 16 October 2023]
I thought you might enjoy the emphasis on self-care and self-indulgence.
I was only 19 [in the light green] – John Schumann and Redgum
19 – Paul Hardcastle
Khe Sanh – Cold Chisel
When the war is over – Cold Chisel
Ani deFranco’s song about George Bush the younger and the War on Terror.
There is another wonderful blog about the concept of trauma being a hall pass from life’s other issues. It was written by a woman whose daughter Samantha died.
This is the story from Heather S – it was written some 4 and a half years ago [in other words: April 2019]
Also there is a song called “Computer Games”.
Michael might enjoy the song “A matter of trust” because it begins with
“A-one A-two A-three A-four”.
Carrie is thinking about Los Angeles a lot and I think she might enjoy the song by Celine Dion on THE COLOUR OF MY LOVE – L.A.
And I saw each number advance by 20.
The green numbers are so cool.
Maybe Green Day and their song – and Al Yankovic’s parody
[the one that has ice hockey somewhere].
A belated thank you for the musical suggestions and other recommendations, Adelaide. It’s always appreciated to hear from you!
I’m in over my head right now on my personal ‘home front’ so I can’t say much more for now. But I will try to check out your links etc. in the coming days, when I get those precious bits of time … !
Stay well, Down Under 🙂