Tag: autism
Soul Places
We do what we have to do – every day.
The Expanse
When is it a problem that you can’t feel anything?
Catch the 22
When asking for help is just more stress.
Some are Here, Some are Missing
Untraditional methods for dealing with high school reunions as a special needs parent.
Confidence in Spirit
The hardest part about wanting to help people is making way for others who are more suited to the job.
All Things Born That Day
Learning from a very unique teenager how to deal with your midlife crisis.
Across Icy Pools
Finding your true self is like giving birth. For a long time it is just … painful.
Maps vs. Legends
How can you be sure of love, when you are not sure of anything else?
Lorem ipsum
Do you spend too much time thinking about what could have been?
Your Hands Onto My Soul
Let’s talk about the sex we don’t have as parents with special needs kids.
Just For One Day
Everyday life is a bitch. And then you stand up and go another round.
Joan in the Dark
Can thinking of good memories outweigh the terror of impending death? David Reese is about to find out.