Tag: dilemmas that never go away

  • Lorem ipsum

    Lorem ipsum

    Do you spend too much time thinking about what could have been?

  • Your Hands Onto My Soul

    Your Hands Onto My Soul

    Let’s talk about the sex we don’t have as parents with special needs kids.

  • Starlight


    What angels do you call on to keep away the fear as you get older?

  • Imagine


    What are the lies you can’t even hide from yourself? A story.

  • Carry On

    Carry On

    A story about how special needs parents sometimes try to escape their situation, and where they end up.

  • Can’t Go Over It, Can’t Go Under It

    Can’t Go Over It, Can’t Go Under It

    How do you feel when you have to prevent your autistic child from getting too close to other children?

  • Right Choices

    Right Choices

    A story about how being a special needs parent messes up our friendships in ways we don’t even see coming.

  • Not Today

    Not Today

    A story about how you are always torn between priorities with an autistic child