Tag: family tensions
Lorem ipsum
Do you spend too much time thinking about what could have been?
So Many Songs
Would it be easier if we knew the reason other people hurt us?
Your Hands Onto My Soul
Let’s talk about the sex we don’t have as parents with special needs kids.
Just For One Day
Everyday life is a bitch. And then you stand up and go another round.
Black and White
How to pick the right side in a fight between your father and your brother.
Do autistic children have their own language?
High Road
When you feel like escalating an argument and the consequences can’t be damned. A story.
Home Front
What do you do to get some peace of mind, and who helps you? A story.
The White Room
Have you ever gotten a chance to make your dreams reality – and then discovered a nasty catch? A story.
Conquest of Paradise
A story about how one man overcame his mental diagnoses, and the price he paid.