Tag: inner work
Confidence in Spirit
The hardest part about wanting to help people is making way for others who are more suited to the job.
Tomorrow’s Light
Three reasons why even the most powerful magic can’t change your life.
The things we keep in the attic can either help or harm us.
Across Icy Pools
Finding your true self is like giving birth. For a long time it is just … painful.
At the Top of My List
The best excuse for doing anything you really want but always “can’t”.
Farewell to Arms?
A single decisive moment in life can stretch on for decades.
Under Fire
There’s a difference between quitting a relationship and being over it.
New Year’s Day II
Sometimes every day is new year’s day. A very special flashback.
What angels do you call on to keep away the fear as you get older?
It is always so f… difficult to give yourself some credit. Unless you can give it to someone else first.
The White Room
Have you ever gotten a chance to make your dreams reality – and then discovered a nasty catch? A story.