Tag: short story

  • A Fighting Song

    A Fighting Song

    What’s the deal with obsessing about relationships that ended 20 years ago?!

  • If Gifts Were Horses

    If Gifts Were Horses

    Why would you refuse something that could really make a difference in your life?

  • Soul Places

    Soul Places

    We do what we have to do – every day.

  • Found in the Fire

    Found in the Fire

    Some things can never burn away. A story about a mother.

  • With Our Song

    With Our Song

    Please, recognize what’s special about yourself – and others – before it’s too late.

  • Some are Here, Some are Missing

    Some are Here, Some are Missing

    Untraditional methods for dealing with high school reunions as a special needs parent.

  • Confidence in Spirit

    Confidence in Spirit

    The hardest part about wanting to help people is making way for others who are more suited to the job.

  • Tomorrow’s Light

    Tomorrow’s Light

    Three reasons why even the most powerful magic can’t change your life.

  • Monuments


    The things we keep in the attic can either help or harm us.

  • Across Icy Pools

    Across Icy Pools

    Finding your true self is like giving birth. For a long time it is just … painful.

  • At the Top of My List

    At the Top of My List

    The best excuse for doing anything you really want but always “can’t”.

  • Farewell to Arms?

    Farewell to Arms?

    A single decisive moment in life can stretch on for decades.