Tag: speech delay
Lorem ipsum
Do you spend too much time thinking about what could have been?
Just For One Day
Everyday life is a bitch. And then you stand up and go another round.
Do autistic children have their own language?
It is always so f… difficult to give yourself some credit. Unless you can give it to someone else first.
Home Front
What do you do to get some peace of mind, and who helps you? A story.
The Roar
A story about how it may feel to have a panic attack as a non-verbal child. And how it feels for the family.
A story about the hope and despair that go hand in hand with the extraordinary abilities of autistic children.
Never-Ending Story
A story about the sometimes beauty of autistic kids’ preoccupations
The Call
A story about how it feels to have a child that may never learn to talk.