Category: EMMA
Of Mice and Men
Everything is politics.
Good Enough
Birthday gifts can’t cure loneliness, but sometimes they come close.
So Many Songs
Would it be easier if we knew the reason other people hurt us?
Shining Through
A postcard from 2027.
Just For One Day
Everyday life is a bitch. And then you stand up and go another round.
Do autistic children have their own language?
High Road
When you feel like escalating an argument and the consequences can’t be damned. A story.
A story about two 9-year-olds discussing their future and how to believe in it.
The Roar
A story about how it may feel to have a panic attack as a non-verbal child. And how it feels for the family.
The Stormlamp
A story about the war waged every evening in households with special kids. And about what you do to hold out.