Category: EMMA

  • If the Game Went Wrong

    If the Game Went Wrong

    A Christmas story based on a small but very real miracle.

  • Of Mice and Men

    Of Mice and Men

    Everything is politics.

  • Good Enough

    Good Enough

    Birthday gifts can’t cure loneliness, but sometimes they come close.

  • So Many Songs

    So Many Songs

    Would it be easier if we knew the reason other people hurt us?

  • Shining Through

    Shining Through

    A postcard from 2027.

  • Just For One Day

    Just For One Day

    Everyday life is a bitch. And then you stand up and go another round.

  • Leylines


    Do autistic children have their own language?

  • High Road

    High Road

    When you feel like escalating an argument and the consequences can’t be damned. A story.

  • L A

    L A

    A story about two 9-year-olds discussing their future and how to believe in it.

  • One Step Closer

    One Step Closer

    Can 100,000 dollars cure life for a special needs mom? Find out in this new story – and get a free ebook, too!

  • The Roar

    The Roar

    A story about how it may feel to have a panic attack as a non-verbal child. And how it feels for the family.

  • The Stormlamp

    The Stormlamp

    A story about the war waged every evening in households with special kids. And about what you do to hold out.