Continuing with my spotlights on the characters of Depending on the Morning Sun …
For each spotlight post you will get:
- a list of my favorite stories with the character—and the reasons why
- a brief bio
Here then, is my entry for our hardworking state trooper and special-needs-dad, Jonathan Reese
Previous entries: Carrie Reese
My favorite stories with Jon
First story I wrote for this site, and about just another ordinary morning that breaks your heart as a father. But you have to go to work anyway.
This story was like writing a gut punch. I didn’t even know it was going to end up like that. But it says a lot about Jon’s life and how he’s trying to keep it all together.
Another everyday story, where Jon has to find that special shelf for his dark feelings, when his child can’t play with other children. It takes a real man to deal with that, and sometimes it’s not enough.
Jon’s restless brother, David Reese, is introduced for real in this story, and his work in Africa, which is another path not taken for me personally. But really, the story is more about one brother trying to look out for the other, even if it’s not always right—or even possible—to do.
Another intro—this time it’s Jon and Dave’s father, Sam Reese, who is ready to save the workers, his sons and everyone else! As long as they make the choices he thinks they should in life. I’m sure you’ve met the type.
Jon’s ex, Vanessa, makes an unexpected appearance on the road between Yuma and Phoenix, and it rattles Jon’s usually stoic self. I just really liked writing this one …
That Bio
Jonathan Reese was born in 1975 as the eldest son of Samuel Reese and Ellen Spacek. His brother, David, followed in 1980. For better and (mostly) worse, it was a family always on the move, as Ellen took care of the kids and Sam bounced between all kinds of unsteady jobs.
Their original home was Wichita, but they soon moved to Biloxi, Mississippi and later San Pedro in Los Angeles, and many other places in between. Jon and Dave flirted with bad company as they grew up, especially in L.A. where they both jacked cars.
At one point, Dave—still a minor—protected his brother from going to prison, by insisting he had stolen a particular car and not Jon. Dave ended up many months in juvenile detention, something which shook the already fragile family to the core.
Jon decided he had to straighten his life due to Dave’s sacrifice. After a stint in Iraq in 2003, mostly to make money, he got home with scars, both on mind and body, but not enough to deter him from a renewed sense of purpose. He applied to become a state trooper and got his first job in Arizona in 2005, which was when he met Carrie, who was working odd jobs as a waitress at the time.
With the ghost of Iraq and his youth still on his mind, Jon exited a difficult relationship, and married Carrie who had only just become clean after years on the road with drugs and abusive men. So it wasn’t exactly in the cards that their match should turn out for the better, especially with two children, one of them diagnosed with autism in 2011.
Against all odds, though, the Reese-family have kept together, thanks in no small part to Jon’s fight to create the stable homestead he never had himself. But he and Carrie are being challenged every day to keep it that way, not in the least because Jon is the only one with the steady job.
Jon wishes he could be there more for his son and daughter, but he knows that without him working hard, their situation will be even worse. He is not sure there is a solution to this, but that doesn’t prevent him from keep trying to find it.
Song: Bruce Springsteen – “The Ties That Bind”
Cover photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash
Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts, comments or experiences!
3 responses to “Protect and Survive: Jonathan”
Sometimes it snows in April, as the song goes. Well, we didn’t have snow here, but hail the other day. And J is sleeping poorly so I’m exhausted, more than usual. But this is a post I’ve wanted to do for a long time about a very special dad.
I will get around to writing new stories soon as the special needs-family smoke clears. It doesn’t feel like it ever will right now, true, but past experience suggest there will be some calm between the different storms again – at some point.
Sometimes keeping that in mind, willing yourself to do that, is all you have. I sure feel like that right now.
But it’s May soon, so at least we’ll probably have seen the last of snow and hail for a while.
Take care out there,
I love the idea of snowing in April.
Is the tune SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST by Vanessa Williams?
Sometimes the snow comes down in June
The sun goes round the moon
In Australia – in the south-east in particular – May and October tend to be the wettest months.
I imagine a lot of people will be drawn to this blog because of Jonathan Reese and his dilemmas and world.
I’m glad that Jonathan found it in him to become a State Trooper.
Well, well, and when you think about the sun … (that’s a saying we have here in Denmark)
Glad to hear from you as always, Adelaide. I was just thinking of you when I was reviewing comments.
The song is an old Prince song actually. I was never much into Prince. But one of my good friends from high school was and she told me about it. (In Denmark it usually does not snow in April so it was meaningful – at least to a couple of angsty and moody teenage friends.)
I have been meaning to write more stories about Jon very soon. Watch this space!