“I’m going to keep Michael home today,” Carrie said.
“OK,” Jon said. “Who’s going to the meeting with his teacher then?”
They were both standing outside in the driveway. There was still a mildness in the air which wouldn’t last long here in the desert. Precious morning hours before the heat.
“He hasn’t pooped in his diaper for two days and is hardly eating,” Carrie said. “I can’t send him to school.”
“I don’t get why he can’t do it in school,” Jon said.
“That’s autism 101 for you,” Carrie sighed. “For some reason, he decided it wasn’t safe. Or something. You know he always waits until I get him home.”
“You gave him the meds?”
“Of course!” Carrie crossed her arms. “What do we do?”
“We postpone the meeting for the second time,” Jon said, “or I’m gonna have to find someone to cover for me.”
“Do you think you can?” Carrie said. “What about Rodriguez?”
“Maybe. I think I’ll have to stay longer unless I can take his shift another day. And he usually works late.”
“Do whatever you have to.” She bit her lip. “It’s really important one of us can go to this meeting. Otherwise, it’ll be in August … Michael’s training program …”
Jon regarded his wife. The early sun caressed her face, and he could see the thin web of lines around her eyes, more of them every time he looked.
He gently touched her shoulder. She let her hand slide over his, gossamer-like.
But this morning, it had to be enough.
Decisions had to be made, as always, and they had already been made.
Their souls just had to find their place in them.
Cover photo with Unsplash+ license, courtesy of Andrej Lišakov
Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts, comments or experiences!
One response to “Soul Places”
Still experimenting with more frequent and even shorter posts. I also hope to be able to tie them closer together still making sure they can stand on their own. Feel free to let me know how I’m doing. And yes, the plan is: – see you tomorrow!