The World’s Biggest Story?

  • Some are Here, Some are Missing

    Some are Here, Some are Missing

    Untraditional methods for dealing with high school reunions as a special needs parent.


  • Confidence in Spirit

    Confidence in Spirit

    The hardest part about wanting to help people is making way for others who are more suited to the job.


  • All Things Born That Day

    All Things Born That Day

    Learning from a very unique teenager how to deal with your midlife crisis.


  • Loss and Redemption: Carrie

    Loss and Redemption: Carrie

    The only question that really matters to a special needs mom: Am I neurotic or is everyone else privilege-blind?


  • Tomorrow’s Light

    Tomorrow’s Light

    Three reasons why even the most powerful magic can’t change your life.


  • Monuments


    The things we keep in the attic can either help or harm us.


  • Across Icy Pools

    Across Icy Pools

    Finding your true self is like giving birth. For a long time it is just … painful.


  • At the Top of My List

    At the Top of My List

    The best excuse for doing anything you really want but always “can’t”.


  • Farewell to Arms?

    Farewell to Arms?

    A single decisive moment in life can stretch on for decades.


  • Like A Memory

    Like A Memory

    Fighting to remain an artist when life has overtaken you.


  • The Answer to Everything

    The Answer to Everything

    The meaning of life is not necessarily the answer you need.


  • The Rainbow’s Edge

    The Rainbow’s Edge

    Deciding what to do with the rest of your life, doesn’t get any easier over time.


You can also read a smaller selection of longer storier taking place in decades from the 1960s to the 2060s! Click here!


  1. Those characters are the ones I attach too so much at times . I think we find ourselves really identifying…

  2. Wow. I will have to take that in. Thank you so much. I appreciate any one and all my friends…

  3. There are people and there are people. As I drive to work it seems there are a zillion of them…

  4. Bipolarity is not for children, no. But unfortunately kids, and adults, can have it and then have to lean into…

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