The World’s Biggest Story?
– three generations, one family, a 100 years of life events
Stand-alone stories
Same characters
Everything is linked
Maps vs. Legends
How can you be sure of love, when you are not sure of anything else?
Good Enough
Birthday gifts can’t cure loneliness, but sometimes they come close.
Under Fire
There’s a difference between quitting a relationship and being over it.
Lorem ipsum
Do you spend too much time thinking about what could have been?
So Many Songs
Would it be easier if we knew the reason other people hurt us?
Your Hands Onto My Soul
Let’s talk about the sex we don’t have as parents with special needs kids.
Breaking Diamonds with Your Hand
Is there a pill for enduring it all?
Shining Through
A postcard from 2027.
Just For One Day
Everyday life is a bitch. And then you stand up and go another round.
Joan in the Dark
Can thinking of good memories outweigh the terror of impending death? David Reese is about to find out.
When your family is in crisis – is your job an asset or a liability?
You can also read a smaller selection of longer storier taking place in decades from the 1960s to the 2060s! Click here!
Wow. I will have to take that in. Thank you so much. I appreciate any one and all my friends…
There are people and there are people. As I drive to work it seems there are a zillion of them…
Bipolarity is not for children, no. But unfortunately kids, and adults, can have it and then have to lean into…
I’m very glad to hear that – it’s hard to realize your parents are struggling, but if it helped you…
Those characters are the ones I attach too so much at times . I think we find ourselves really identifying…