The World’s Biggest Story?

  • Maps vs. Legends

    Maps vs. Legends

    How can you be sure of love, when you are not sure of anything else?


  • Good Enough

    Good Enough

    Birthday gifts can’t cure loneliness, but sometimes they come close.


  • Under Fire

    Under Fire

    There’s a difference between quitting a relationship and being over it.


  • Lorem ipsum

    Lorem ipsum

    Do you spend too much time thinking about what could have been?


  • So Many Songs

    So Many Songs

    Would it be easier if we knew the reason other people hurt us?


  • Your Hands Onto My Soul

    Your Hands Onto My Soul

    Let’s talk about the sex we don’t have as parents with special needs kids.


  • The Battle You Have To Win

    The Battle You Have To Win

    How not to give a shit about people not giving a shit.


  • Breaking Diamonds with Your Hand

    Breaking Diamonds with Your Hand

    Is there a pill for enduring it all?


  • Shining Through

    Shining Through

    A postcard from 2027.


  • Just For One Day

    Just For One Day

    Everyday life is a bitch. And then you stand up and go another round.


  • Joan in the Dark

    Joan in the Dark

    Can thinking of good memories outweigh the terror of impending death? David Reese is about to find out.


  • Guarantees


    When your family is in crisis – is your job an asset or a liability?


You can also read a smaller selection of longer storier taking place in decades from the 1960s to the 2060s! Click here!


  1. Those characters are the ones I attach too so much at times . I think we find ourselves really identifying…

  2. Wow. I will have to take that in. Thank you so much. I appreciate any one and all my friends…

  3. There are people and there are people. As I drive to work it seems there are a zillion of them…

  4. Bipolarity is not for children, no. But unfortunately kids, and adults, can have it and then have to lean into…

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